A Sepia Colored Photo
About Me
- Name: A Sepia Colored Photo
- Location: Zurich, Switzerland
I was a kaleidoscope the snow on my lenses distorting the image
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Illustration Friday: Suit

someone - "Why does she have an axe? it doesn't suit her..."
me - "Every video game character needs a cool weapon and that axe suits her just fine!"
so one time my friend and I were talking about how we should draw our video game selves... It was great. Also, Illustration Friday chose my theme again, which is AWESOME so i decided to draw something because I haven't posted anything since forever because of allt he other crap i have to do. I'll color it later... I'll also fix it up a bit later. There are some things that just don't look right.
P.S. My friends video game self is cooler than mine.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Friday, April 27, 2007
Illustration Friday: Remember

Remember the time we went to italy? It seemed like so long ago. I stood in front of that building, and you took out your water colors and painted everything in a nice sepia tone. It was one of those days that we would always rememeber... By the way... I still have that picture that you painted so long ago. I kept it like a treasured memory.
ok so... for this picture... i had to scan it three times and smoosh it all together in photoshop.... and it didnt really work out too well... SO... this is what it stiiiillll looks like.

this is what it looks like when you use a not so weird scanner.... personally i like the first version slightly better...